
计算机专业留学|2013年10月24日 13:30
  2014年春季德州大学达拉斯分校计算机系博士招生,CS or related areas. Good programming skills.



  Prof. Lin in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Dallas is recruiting PhD students for Spring 2014. One research direction is in *binary code analysis* (reverse engineering), and the other research direction is in *cloud computing*.

  Requirements: CS or related areas. Good programming skills. Strong interests in system building and experimental research. Some background in one of the following areas would be preferable.

  - System code (e.g., Linux/Windows kernel, or GCC compiler) hacking/development;

  - Virtual machine monitors (e.g., Xen or QEMU) usage/development experience;

  - Binary code reverse engineering techniques (e.g., IDA, Pin/Valgrind/QEMU);

  Interested individual please send a copy of CV/Resume (in txt or PDF) to Professor Zhiqiang Lin (zlin61@gmail.com). For perspective students, please refer ,ST40/admissions.htm to apply.


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