很多人都想知道美国软件工程硕士课程大学有哪些?东华盛顿大学 Eastern Washington University,Masters of Science in Computer Science - Software SystemsUS$20,631 a year
雪城大学 Syracuse University,Masters of Science in Computer Engineering - Software TrackUS$22,482 a year
伊利诺理工学院 Illinois Institute of Technology,Master of Computer Science with specialization in Software EngineeringUS$19,008 a year;Master of Computer Science with specialization in Software EngineeringUS$19,008 a year
迈阿密大学 Miami University,Combined Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering with Master of Computer Science - Industry Track
密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor,MS in Computer Science and Engineering - Software SystemsUS$38,020 a year;MSE in Computer Science and Engineering - Software SystemsUS$38,020 a year
罗彻斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology,Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$35,976 a year;BS/MS in Computer Engineering
斯特福大学 Stratford University,给予国际学生专门的支持服务。使学生在学习、运动和其他课外活动之间得到平衡的理想院校。Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$11,070 a year。
美国开设软件工程硕士课程大学的还有很多,想要了解更多请访问:http://www.edujisuanji.com/,或是拨打热线电话4006-918-230 进行具体咨询。